Tuesday, March 08, 2005

grad school

clearly I am a bit of a lame blogger. two months btwn posts was not what I had intended but like any new habit, guess it'll take a while to take.
Being in grad school feels a bit like trying to drink your coffee when you're running late in the morning. (The reading and knowlege gathering part I mean.) You know you'll be able to function more effectively if you take the time to do it but there's so little time for it.
Art education could be applauded for it's hybridity . . . but every day I add another name. Not only should I read Victor Lowenfeld, Elliot Eisner, then perhaps Howard Gardner, now I also need to look at Martin Heidegger and Jacques Derrida then there's the writing that really interests me, which incidentally is the stuff that pertains to communication or media studies (so am I even in the right place??) Jay David Bolter, Peter Lunenfeld . . . and newest discovery, Technology as Experience, by John McCarthy and Peter Wright, who will doubtlessly lead me somewhere else.


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