Wednesday, March 09, 2005

NAEA convention, Boston

yep, travel helps the blog urge. Boston- great place to visit if you're interested in art, education, history. . . NAEA convention, not so great place to visit if you're a first year master's student in art education. still trying to work out why.

Best parts of trip? hearing Mark Bernstein present about using Tinderbox (He created the software) he's bright, entertaining and possibly the only person I have ever seen who knows how to create interesting powerpoint visuals to accompany a talk. check out his interesting blog: I'm confident that his software would facilitate the research process, looking forward to using agents to find recurring themes in the notes and all the information that is currently overwhelming me.

also, the Boston museum of fine arts is great. On display were the most exquisite black and white photographs, by Jan Sudek, a Czechoslovakian photographer who spent his entire life shooting in and around Prague. Strangely I was inspired both by that work and the completely opposite contemporary work of Damien Hirst. His challenging media or subject matter (dead flies. . dead lamb) is so aesthetically presented it's mesmerizing.

pics to come.


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